When To Get a Colonoscopy

When To Get a Colonoscopy

There is more than one reason to get a colonoscopy, and also more than one time to schedule one. Having a gastroenterologist you can trust like Dr. Sindhu Abraham in Plano, TX can help make the decision when to get a colonoscopy easier.

For Colorectal Screening

A colonoscopy is an important diagnostic tool. It helps your doctor to identify what is going on in your colon. If you are a person with a normal risk level for developing colon cancer, you should get your first colonoscopy by the age of 45. The American Cancer Society has lowered their recommended age level for a first colonoscopy to 45 years of age due to the increase in colon cancer in younger people.

If you have a family history of colon cancer, it is important that you have a relationship with a gastroenterologist. It is vital that they know your level of risk, and then they can suggest what they feel is the best time to get your first colonoscopy and how often thereafter it is important to have a follow-up.

If you are a person of average risk and nothing is found on your first colonoscopy screening, you'll likely not need to have another one for 10 years. If polyps or something else is discovered, how often you need to get a colonoscopy will be determined by you and your gastroenterologist.

For Other Gastric Issues

Colon cancer screening is not the only reason to have a colonoscopy, since it gives your gastroenterologist a clear view of the condition of your colon, it can be an important tool in helping those who have Crohn's disease, ulcerated colitis, diverticulitis, and IBS. Some conditions require monitoring and that is what a colonoscopy can de as well as help to get a correct diagnosis so that treatment can be correct as well.

What Exactly Is a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy uses a flexible tube with a camera attached that enters through the rectum and shows your gastroenterologist the interior of the colon. You will be given a sedative and most often will not feel or remember the procedure when it is over.

Contact Dr. Sindhu Abraham when it is time to schedule a colonoscopy in Plano, TX, or if you have questions about your need for a colonoscopy.  If you have questions, give us a call at (972) 867-0019. If you want to schedule a new appointment, call us at (972) 265-3396 or request an appointment through our website.

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Sindhu Abraham, MD


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