What Are the Symptoms of GERD?

What Are the Symptoms of GERD?

Everyone has had a bout of acid indigestion or heartburn at some point in their life. But when you believe that the rare occasion has become gastroesophageal reflux disease, better known as GERD., then it is time to take action. Dr. Sindhu Abraham in Plano, TX is a board-certified doctor of internal medicine and gastroenterology. She has been awarded D Magazine's Best Doctor in five separate years.

What is GERD?

GERD is a chronic condition where the most common symptoms, acid reflux, and heartburn have become persistent and are causing damage to the esophagus. It is usually caused by a weakness of the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus. If you have heartburn more than twice a week or it no longer responds to OTC medication, it is time to talk to our GERD specialist Dr. Abraham. She can diagnose and treat your GERD.

Common symptoms of GERD

Two of the most common symptoms of GERD are heartburn and regurgitation.

Heartburn is often described as a fiery feeling in the chest. It rises up from the lowest point in your breastbone into the throat. It is caused by stomach acid backing up into the esophagus, which is the tube that carries food and drinks from your mouth to your stomach. It may cause a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and throat.

Regurgitation is the content of your stomach coming back up into your throat or mouth. You will get the taste of the food you have recently eaten or stomach acid. It is quite unpleasant.

Other Symptoms of GERD

Chest pain that is not burning and radiates to the back may be GERD. It can often be mistaken for the symptoms of a heart attack and the pain may radiate to the arms as well. The pain can last for hours.

Nausea and vomiting are not uncommon when you have GERD.

Problems or painful swallowing can be a symptom of GERD. If you feel like food is sticking in your throat and your throat is irritated, you may be suffering from GERD.

Chronic cough can also result from the irritation that the stomach acid causes to the throat.

Chronic hoarseness or laryngitis can be the result of GERD.

All of these symptoms can be produced by GERD and if they are combined with symptoms appearing after eating certain foods, eating too much, lying down, or if your symptoms wake you up from sleep in the night, it is time to call your gastroenterologist.

Contact Us Today

Talk to Dr. Abraham, when you need help with GERD in Plano, TX. For questions, call (972) 867-0019, and for new appointment scheduling, call (972) 265-3396.

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