Do You Have Hemorrhoids?

Do You Have Hemorrhoids?

A lot of people have heard of hemorrhoids, but few understand them until they get a personal experience. When they are external, they can be a little easier to detect. General itching can be caused by many things, but hemorrhoids are also accompanied by pain, leakage, and maybe even bleeding. Do you have hemorrhoids? Plano, TX, area residents can schedule a consultation with Dr. Sindhu Abraham to find out.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

 Hemorrhoids are swollen veins around the anus, often blocked by a clot. They can form inside the anus or outside. 

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

 There are many factors that increase the risk of clots getting stuck in the anal vein. For example, pregnancy or other weight gains can lead to them. Other risk factors include:

  • Diarrhea/Constipation;
  • Exertion of the glutes (usually from heavy lifting); and
  • Frequent sitting (such as office or transportation work).

 None of these are guaranteed to lead to hemorrhoids, and they can occur at random with none of the above conditions.

What Do You Look For?

 If a protruding anal vein is not visible, other symptoms of hemorrhoids include:

  • Intense itching;
  • Burning;
  • Pain, particularly during bowel movements; and/or
  • Blood or other leakages.

What Can Be Done To Treat Hemorrhoids?

Just as randomly as hemorrhoids can arrive, they can disappear.

As the primary issue with hemorrhoids can be swelling, there are over-the-counter creams that can be used to shrink external hemorrhoids. Creams can also be used to ease pain and itching. Hot baths can also reduce pain and swelling.

Larger clots that are the cause may require lancing to remove.

Dr. Abraham offers the CRH O'Regan hemorrhoid banding procedure in the office.  It is performed with minimal discomfort, does not need sedation, anesthesia, or laxative preparation. You are able to drive your home after the procedure. It usually requires 3 treatments at least 2 weeks apart. Please schedule an appointment to see if this is an appropriate treatment for you. More information available at

What Can Be Done To Prevent Hemorrhoids?

The best treatment is to prevent hemorrhoids. This can be done by:

  • A high-fiber diet with plenty of fluids;
  • Don’t strain during bowel movements;
  • Go when you feel the urge - don’t hold bowel movements; and
  • Stay active - avoid staying seated for extended periods of time.

 If you are near Plano, TX, and have questions about hemorrhoids or whether or not you may have them, please call (972) 265-3396 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sindhu Abraham and get some answers and relief. 

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Sindhu Abraham, MD


8:00 AM-4:00 PM


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