When Should You Have a Colonoscopy?

When Should You Have a Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopies are usually performed on a schedule. How often they are scheduled depends on your level of risk. If it is time to schedule your colonoscopy in Plano, Texas, you can count on the gastroenterology practice of Dr. Sindhu Abraham to be there for you.

A colonoscopy is a way to look at the inside of your colon. The doctor uses a flexible tube called a colonoscopy which has a camera attached. 

When should you have a colonoscopy?

Everyone should have a colonoscopy in Plano, TX around their 45th birthday. For some people who may have a condition or the potential symptoms of a condition that calls for an internal check, one may be recommended at an earlier age. This includes Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. If you have a close family member who died from colon cancer, it may be recommended for you earlier as well. A colonoscopy is a preventive procedure that saves lives. 

After the initial colonoscopy, depending on what the doctor finds, you will be scheduled for a repeat visit. If an advanced polyp is found it will usually be scheduled for 3 years. If precancerous polyps are found, typically 3-5 years, and if nothing unusual is found, 10 years. 


No one is going to tell you that the prep for a colonoscopy is fun, it isn't, but it is a necessary evil. Your colon must be completely clean in order for the doctor to be able to see what is going on. Different options are available to get the desired result and this is something you can discuss with your doctor. 

On the day of the procedure

You will be given directions about what time to arrive. Plan to be there in advance of the procedure time. Wear comfortable clothing. You will be unconscious or semi-conscious, but this is not a painful procedure. The tube will be inserted through your anus and if any polyps (growths) are found, they will be removed and sent for a biopsy. Depending on the anesthesia used, you will be up and feeling yourself quite quickly. 

Have someone available to drive you

You will be given anesthesia when your procedure is performed. You will not be able to drive afterward, so it is vital that you arrange for a ride to get home. Plan on taking it easy for the rest of the day, you may have a little residual drowsiness. 

For help scheduling your colonoscopy in Plano, TX, contact Dr. Abraham, a GI specialist, who performs colonoscopies along with a multitude of other procedures. Call her office at (972) 265-3396 to schedule a new appointment or (972) 867-0019 for other questions.

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Sindhu Abraham, MD


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