What Are the Symptoms of GERD?

What Are the Symptoms of GERD?

What is your gut trying to tell you?

Acid reflux is more common than you might think and it can make mealtimes downtime miserable. So, what is acid reflux exactly and why is it important to visit our Plano, TX, gastroenterologist Dr. Sindhu Abraham if you are experiencing symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? Here’s everything you should know about this digestive problem,

It Might be Heartburn But it Could be GERD

The occasional bout of heartburn probably isn’t something to worry about (even though you may want to avoid whatever food may be to blame); however, it’s important to recognize when it’s heartburn and when it could be GERD. You should turn to our Plano, TX, gastroenterologist Dr. Abraham for a consultation if,

  • You experience heartburn two or more times a week
  • Your heartburn is so bad it wakes you up at night
  • Your heartburn has been occurring off and on for years
  • Your heartburn is getting worse or is severe
  • Your heartburn impacts your daily routine
  • You have trouble swallowing or pain with swallowing

GERD Has Other Symptoms

While heartburn tends to be the classic symptom of GERD, it isn’t the only symptom. You could be dealing with GERD if you are also experiencing,

  • Regurgitation of food
  • Dysphagia (when food gets stuck in the throat)
  • Hoarseness
  • Chronic sore throats
  • Belching
  • A sour taste in your mouth
  • Persistent bad breath

If you are dealing with any of these symptoms it's best to schedule an appointment with our Plano, TX, gastroenterologist Dr. Abraham to find out if you could be living with GERD.

GERD Does Require Treatment

It’s important that you are properly managing GERD, as untreated or improperly treated GERD could lead to further complications including Barrett’s Esophagus (which is a pre-cancerous esophageal condition that could increase your risk for throat cancer). Our team will craft a treatment plan to help manage your symptoms, which may include lifestyle changes along with prescription medication. Lifestyle changes may include,

  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding alcohol, sedatives and caffeine
  • Avoiding spicy, fried or acidic foods
  • Eating smaller meals
  • Not eating 2-3 hours before bed
  • Losing excess weight (if overweight or obese)

Our gastroenterologist may prescribe a medicine to treat your symptoms. H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors are the two most common types of GERD medications and they work by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces, which also allows the esophageal lining time to heal.

If you are dealing with acid reflux regularly you could have GERD. Turn to our Plano, TX, gastroenterologist Dr. Abraham for a diagnosis and to get the proper treatment you need. Call our office today at (972) 867-0019 to schedule your appointment.

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